I went back to school

For 19 years, I said I would never go back to school.

And then one day I came across Harvard University’s program for working professionals who dream of a full Master’s degree but need a little flexibility.

The Harvard Extension School was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It reignited my deep interest in global affairs, introduced me to world class faculty (John Paul Rollert, Thomas Ponniah, Ariane Liazos, Gloria Ayee, Mona Sue Weissmark) and connected me with superb classmates around the world. Overall, an incredible experience. (If you’re interested in learning more, send me a message.)

Thanks to Dean Nancy Coleman, for making the trip to DFW, Jill Felicio for growing such a robust alumni network, and Ariel Gamiño for his leadership as Extension School President (and fellow Texan).

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